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Yellow Dog Tree has the experts to tackle the most delicate jobs! Click below to see the right way and the wrong to handle tree problems! Call 404 343-8819 for your FREE Estimate Today!

The Art of Felling! 

At Yellow Dog, we look at the weather as not a bad thing, but actually just another opportunity to help our neighbors with the more desperate or delicate jobs.  Helping is at the forefront of our work...everything else falls in line when that point is the foremost of our minds. At YDT we work with the best of the best. 

Shoot dang! You just have one dead tree to cut down! I got a chainsaw! I'll knock it out in 5 minutes and just charge you 50 bucks! Easy Peasy!​.

Here is a great collection of tree cutting gone terribly wrong! 10 attempts to save money or for us men to flex our egos a bit. Classic!

The YouTube Comment - Priceless!

"My neighbor told me they were going to have their tree professionally dropped, and wanted to know if I needed any of my trees dropped - I replied "no, I only drop dangerous trees". I then asked if they were going to limb it up before they drop it because it has a lot of back weight, to which he replied "yep". You can imagine my surprise when I returned home and saw they were over 95% committed, with the limbs still on and no ropes."

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